House of Leaves

Published by USC Bedrosian Center on

Ostensibly, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, is about a young man who finds a manuscript in a dead man’s apartment. This experimental novel, released in 2000, takes a cinematic approach to the novel – creating a novel experience in time and space.

The dead man, Zampano, was an elderly blind man writing an academic critique of The Navidson Record; a documentary about a family moving into a home in Virginia, which happens to be bigger on the inside. At the center of Danielewski’s work is the question, “What is real?”

How do humans interact with the space they inhabit? How do they interact with the stories around them?


Jennifer Bravo

Jen Bravo

Jennifer Bravo Consulting, Inc.

Stacy Patterson

Program Manager
USC Cinematic Arts

Zenya Prowell


Lisa Schweitzer

USC Price School of Public Policy

Thank you to our co-producers Aubrey Hicks and
Jonathan Schwartz as well as our beloved sound supervisors, The Brothers Hedden.
Recorded at the USC Price School.

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