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Searching for a GOP Savior

This week’s Road to the White House – entitled “How the Millennial Generation is Shaping the 2012 Election” – featured Morley Winograd and Mike Hais, co-authors of Millennial Momentum: How a new generation is remaking America (2011: Rutgers University Press).  The discussion focused on the important role that Millennials – Americans born roughly from the early 1980s to the early 2000s – can and will play in American politics.  Some of the most convincing findings came from survey data about the policy preferences of this age cohort.  On nearly every issue – foreign policy, economic policy, and social policy – the views of the Millennials are closely aligned with the dominant positions of the Democrat Party.

CCG Doctoral Conference

Consortium on Collaborative Governance On April 8-10, 2009 the Consortium on Collaborative Governance held a Doctoral conference at USC’s Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall. Sixteen doctoral students from across the country gathered to present their research, network and learn from each other as well as established scholars from the three Read more…

Bedrosian Center