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Wicked Problems

by Raphael Bostic In recent years, many have argued that government is in a state of crisis. There are big problems that are widely known – a crumbling infrastructure, flailing education system, environments in crisis, loss of our competitive edge on the international stage, among others – and yet there is Read more…

Between Experts and initiatives

Governance Salon featuring Michael Neblo, Ohio State University   Participatory democrats often criticize deliberative democracy as an inefficient, elitist, technocratic attempt to manipulate the public toward policies favored by elites. On the other hand, critics less sanguine about the capacities of the citizenry attack deliberative democrats as hopelessly naïve in Read more…

Predicting Relational Governance in the Public Sector

Consortium on Collaborative Governance Featuring Craig R. Smith, University of Arizona Relational governance is increasingly viewed as an important component in managing exchanges between contracting parties. The presence of extra-contractual and institutional features may enhance the ability to structure exchanges and therefore need to be considered in the contracting decision Read more…

Bedrosian Center