Who Has the Ear of Your Legislators and Why They Can’t Seem to Get Anything Done

We’re six months away from one of the most consequential midterm elections in modern history, and Americans are fed up with Congress. Politicians have gotten a bad rap throughout history, but today’s legislators are setting record lows in approval ratings and public trust. What gives? Why do they disappoint us so often? Are they really ignoring our needs and demands, or are we misunderstanding the challenges they face?

In this episode, Sarah Anderson shows that it’s a little of both: politicians don’t listen to all constituents equally, but they also can’t just snap their fingers and fulfill our wishes.

To listen to this episode of Our American Discourse, click the arrow in the player here. Or download it and subscribe through ApplePodcasts, Soundcloud, Google Play, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting app – click the links or search “usc bedrosian.”

Special Interest Politics

In a campaign season dominated by Super PACS and a political culture in which money and lobbyists seem to rule, what role do special interests play in our political system? Join a panel of experts including Jack Abramoff, former Republican lobbyist, newly-turned ethics watchdog, and author of Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington Corruption from America’s Most Notorious Lobbyist, and Bob Hertzberg, former Speaker of the California State Assembly and Co-Chair of reform group California Forward, to discuss the impact of special interests in politics and the presidential campaign.

Bedrosian Center

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