Who Has the Ear of Your Legislators and Why They Can’t Seem to Get Anything Done

We’re six months away from one of the most consequential midterm elections in modern history, and Americans are fed up with Congress. Politicians have gotten a bad rap throughout history, but today’s legislators are setting record lows in approval ratings and public trust. What gives? Why do they disappoint us so often? Are they really ignoring our needs and demands, or are we misunderstanding the challenges they face?

In this episode, Sarah Anderson shows that it’s a little of both: politicians don’t listen to all constituents equally, but they also can’t just snap their fingers and fulfill our wishes.

To listen to this episode of Our American Discourse, click the arrow in the player here. Or download it and subscribe through ApplePodcasts, Soundcloud, Google Play, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting app – click the links or search “usc bedrosian.”


Beirut: Action Thriller, Social Commentary, Both?

Erroll Southers discusses the movie & the controversy (#boycottbeirutmovie) that went with it, featuring veteran guests David Warshofsky, Lt. Col Olivia Nelson, & Jonathan Schwartz.

To listen to the Price Projection Room discussion of The Post click the arrow in the player here. Or download & subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, or Google Play.


Strong female characters ground Mudbound as it tells of the challenges returning soldiers with different world views as they return to family and a small Mississippi community that hasn’t weathered the storms and triumphs they have seen half a world away. A spoilery conversation on this ensemble film about war at home and abroad.

To listen to the Price Projection Room discussion of Mudboundclick the arrow in the player on this post. Or download and subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, or Google Play.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is finally on the big screen!

After dozens of superhero films, has director Patty Jenkins revitalized the DC universe with this superheroine? Amid all the “rep-sweats,” did the film do justice to this classic comic heroine? Why is this film so important? What do we think of the women-only showings at Alamo Drafthouse? Did we enjoy this film?

To listen to the Price Projection Room discussion of Wonder Women click the arrow in the player here, or download and subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, or Google Play.

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