Powwow Highway with Cast Members

We are thrilled to share this conversation about Powwow Highway with you! A. Martinez, Amanda Wyss, Joanelle Romero, from the film join host Jonathan Schwartz and USC Profs Ange-Marie Hancock Alfaro and Chris Finley in conversation about the making, legacy, and meaning of this cult classic. If you haven’t seen it, be ware, there are a ton of spoilers. Powwow Highwayis Read more…

Rez Life

In Rez Life David Treuer spirals in and out of personal story, interviews, and historical narrative to paint a full picture of life as an Ojibwe from Leech Lake Reservation. An important book about the power of individual and collective action, the power of place, and how history lives on in our (collective) lives today.

Bedrosian Center

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