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The Address Book (author interview)

Published by USC Bedrosian Center on

An interview with author of The Address Book, Deirdre Mask.

The Address Book is a broad look at the invention and proliferation of the address. Relatively new, addresses were first a way for royals to count their subjects. Today, addresses can reflect our identity, our history, our race, and our access to opportunity. With the postal service in jeopardy, and the world in disarray, settle in for an interview on this beguiling and intriguing topic.

Explore the many ways a simple address can change lives, cities, and the future.

Follow Mask on Twitter: @Deirdre_Mask

Follow Orlando on Twitter: @AnthonyWOrlando

Read along with us! For September, we’re reading The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson.

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Thank you to our co-producers Aubrey Hicks and Jonathan Schwartz as well as our beloved sound supervisors, The Brothers Hedden. Recorded at the USC Price School.

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