Tears We Cannot Stop

Published by USC Bedrosian Center on

Can America overcome its sin of racism? If redemption of sin comes through repentance, can White America meet the demands necessary? Michael Eric Dyson’s latest is a sermon for White Americans called Tears We Cannot Stop. We discuss the book, its format, and whether it goes far enough in terms of addressing these quite large questions and the implications behind them.

Featuring Richard Flory, Richard Green, and Aubrey Hicks

Follow us on Twitter: @BedrosianCenter @AubreyHi @keynesianr @richardflory ?

To listen to the Bedrosian Book Club discussion of Tears We Cannot Stop click the orange arrow in the Soundcloud player here on this post. Or you can download it and subscribe through ApplePodcasts, Soundcloud, or Google Play

Links & further reading:

Center for Religion and Civic Culture
Surprised American Evangelicals voted for Trump? They have a history of racism
Growing Up in America: The Power of Race in the Lives of Teens by Brad Christerson, Korie L. Edwards, and Richard Flory
Chip Murray sermon from 1992
Revisiting the legacy of Jerry Falwell Sr. in Trump’s America
Richard Pryor on the N word


Next Month …

We’ll be reading a screed against all the forces which are working to undermind authority and expertise in America. This screed is brought to us by Tom Nichols, professor at the US NavalWar College and snarky, curmudgeonly Twitterer. The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters is our August main pick.



Read along with us! Let us know what you think of the book or the podcasts at Facebook or Twitter.

This podcast was produced by Aubrey Hicks and Jonathan Schwartz, recorded and mixed by Corey Hedden.

@AubreyHi @jonHLYP @coreyhedden

Bedrosian Center

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